Saint Teresa of Calcutta: A Life Dedicated to Service

Mother Teresa, revered by many as a beacon of compassion and service, dedicated her life to alleviating the suffering of the poorest and most vulnerable. Her journey, filled with unwavering faith and remarkable achievements, continues to inspire generations. Let’s explore her life through the lens of these key headings:

1. Mother Teresa’s Biography:

  • Born: Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, Skopje, Ottoman Empire (now North Macedonia), August 26, 1910
  • Died: September 5, 1997, Kolkata, India
  • Canonized: Saint Teresa of Calcutta by Pope Francis, September 4, 2016
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2. Mother Teresa’s Nationality & Age:

  • Nationality: Albanian (born) and Indian (adopted)
  • Age at Death: 87

3. Mother Teresa’s  Education and Schooling:

  • Primary education in Skopje
  • Joined Sisters of Loreto at age 18, receiving training in Ireland
  • Earned teaching diploma in India

4. Mother Teresa’s Relationship and Personal Life:

  • Entered religious life at age 18, dedicating herself to serving God and humanity
  • Remained celibate throughout her life, focusing solely on her mission
  • Taught for 17 years at St. Mary’s High School in Kolkata
  • In 1946, experienced a “call within a call” to serve the poorest of the poor
  • Started her work in the slums of Kolkata, teaching underprivileged children
  • Founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1950, a religious congregation dedicated to serving the destitute and dying.
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6. Mother Teresa’s Career and Contributions:

  • Established homes for the dying, lepers, orphans, and disabled
  • Provided medical care, food, and shelter to countless individuals
  • Advocated for the dignity and rights of the marginalized
  • Inspired millions through her selfless service and unwavering faith

7. Mother Teresa’s Achievements and Awards:

  • 1979: Nobel Peace Prize
  • 1980: Bharat Ratna (India’s highest civilian award)
  • 1983: Order of Merit (UK)
  • 1997: Balzan Prize for Humanity, Peace, and Fraternity of Peoples
  • 2016: Canonized as Saint Teresa of Calcutta

8. Mother Teresa’s  Conclusion and Legacy:

Mother Teresa’s life exemplifies the power of compassion and dedication. Her work continues to inspire countless individuals and organizations to serve the underprivileged and advocate for social justice. Though she is no longer with us, her legacy lives on, reminding us of the profound impact one person can make on the world.

Mother Teresa’s story is a testament to the transformative power of faith, service, and love. Through her tireless efforts, she alleviated suffering, restored hope, and ignited a global movement for compassion. Her life and legacy continue to inspire and challenge us to make a difference in the world.

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